Civilization Aqua America Pt. 01

In 2048, a new country has declared its independence, calling itself Pacific Aqua Americans. Like any peoples who try to break off from traditional unions of power, causes quite a problem. Three of the leaders of this so-called nation were citizens of the United States, who knew nothing about these people building such an enormous project. Especially without their knowledge or approval. The TfSs Technology group members thus called to meet with government officials.

They refused.

The group leaders warned they were risking their freedom if they did not show up asap. They were causing an international incident as the Chinese, Russians, and the European Union are getting involved. They believe you are a secret plan developed by the United States to spread insurrection and dissatisfaction in their countries.

This summons from the President started when a Chinese spy informed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of strange happenings in the north Pacific Ocean. At coordinates, latitude 26 degrees North Longitude 169 West. This spy had gotten out pictures of vast free world civilization, growing slap dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean floor. The CCP asked for a special session to be called at the United Nations to address the issue.

The American President's office sent a summons to Odessa Zorcova, Michael Branson, and Roger Jones to appear at the white house and afterward before the California State 5th circuit court.

The American military was thus placed on high alert. The navy sent out a nuclear submarine the (Mid-way) from Pearl Harbor and the aircraft carrier the (President), from San Diego, to be at their location in 7 days. They also sent military Jet aircraft to investigate the supposed place of declaration. Surprisingly, no aircraft flyover nor satellite imagery detected any city at the coordinates north of the Tahiti Island chain near the Southwest Pacific Basin.

After seven days of traveling at top speed, the aircraft carrier (President) arrived; they saw nothing, just as the aerial flights had reported. However, as they got closer, they went through a bend in the light spectrum in the sky that revealed a domed city never seen before floating; it seemed as if on water.

General quarters sounded as the ship prepared for battle.

Simultaneously, underneath the water, the nuclear submarine (Midway) was also closing in on this declared location as the surface ship. Sonar showed nothing at all; then, the ship's captain could only see a blurred image from the periscope as it passed through some bend in the water. General quarters sounded as they prepared for battle.

But before I continue with the story, allow me to explain how this all came about. When writing narrativizes of a new country, please bear in mind that this involves a lot of this story being done by explaining the development, reasoning, and implementation. If you believe it is boring? Okay. But consider how important the U.S. Constitution is, and then read it, you will see my point. Also, allow me to give you a backstory to the events that led up to this newly formed nation and people.

Chapter 1 - backstories

Leader back story Michael Branson

Michael J Branson is a 20-year-old bi-racial male. His father is a black American, and his mother is Canadian French. I gathered that they met when his father was boxing for the American Olympic boxing team in Montreal in 1976. He was an alternate and sparring partner for Sugar Ray Leonard, who eventually became the world's Welterweight champion. His mother was working for an advertising agency that was covering the games that year. They got married after a four-year courtship; Michael was born ten years later.

His parents settled in northern Chicago (where he grew up as a toddler). Not wanting him to get caught up in the street battles, Michael's father thought it best for him to live with his mother's grandparents, who lived in Lexington, Kentucky. It was a great life, and country atmosphere, with the occasional racial prejudice. Still, I am sure all kids get involved in some ill-treatment no matter the cultural race or gender you associate. He spent the summers with his parents and school semesters in Kentucky.

During the beginning of his senior year, Michael wanted to go live with his parents, who were fast at work in the advertising business his mother started; they were doing well overall.

He ended up going to Shults High School on North Chicago Avenue, in Chicago, Illinois. Everyone accepted him; he even went out for the basketball and football teams. He graduated with honors and lettered in both sports. After graduation, his mom got him a job with her ad agency.

Michael had a few girlfriends from time to time, but nothing serious.

He always heard stories of his father's boxing tails and watched all Sugar-Rays boxing events on YouTube. He was a talented boxer, but most importantly, he was a gentle and kind man.

It was the year 2010 when he decided to pursue his hand at boxing. But his father told him that starting so late would not be particularly good, but it is an excellent sport to keep you in shape but downplayed if he thought he would have a chance at a career. Like all mothers, she had a meltdown, but she eventually accepted that Michael was a man now.

She said she thought several times his father was going to get killed when he was boxing.

He said, "so did I." He laughed hardily.

She replied, "you're not helping me stop your son Franklin."

Michael applied to attend MIT as he always had an aptitude for science with a highly creative mind. However, he had not heard from them so far.

He spent the next year at the Chicago Boxing Academy and working at his mom's advertising agency. Life was going well; however, he had to admit he was way too old to get good at boxing, but it did help him get into the best physical shape of his life.

In the meantime, applying to Caltech, he was accepted for the fall semester of 2013.

That was great; He immediately acknowledged and signed up for classes, scholarships, and work-study.

Back story Odessa Zorcova

Then there is Odessa, a 19-year-old white female from Las Angeles, California. She grew up in Altadena. Her father worked as a camera operator for paramount pictures. Her mother was an actress but could only get minor character parts. She was born in 1977 because her parents were having sex so often, they forgot about protection. They told me they thought about abortion but figured one was okay; lucky me, huh?

Childhood was excellent, nothing to complain about too much.

One time before her 11th summer vacation, a gothic group formed in her neighborhood, their leader Wonda who lived down the block, was recruiting everyone to join. Instead of saying yes or no, she told her, "She would be spending her summer vacations with her grandparents who lived in Wichita, Kansas."

She frowned but accepted her explanation.

Living with her grandparents gave Odessa a chance to see two different American cultures, one in west California and middle America.

Odessa is 5 foot 5 inches tall, a tiny build, and a nerdy Brainiac. She loves science and advanced technology, has a vast imagination. She attended the Leverton Global Academy from the 6th through 12th grades, possessing a 4.0. GPA and graduated second overall.

Odessa spoke as salutatorian at her high school commencement.

She likes hiking and rock climbing, bicycles everywhere she goes, even though she could get her a car, love the outside, and lives in it as much as possible.

She loves Star Wars and Star Trek without seeing it as a big deal, but social media does want you to choose one or the other.

She received a scholarship to attend Caltech in the fall of 2014. She planned to master the four core enabling technologies, wireless telecommunications, photonics, nanotechnology, and micro-electro-mechanical systems. This girl was brilliant and knew it, but she did not want to do what was the norm or what everyone else was doing; she was adventurous but wanted what was new out there.

Back Story Gretchen Fleur

Gretchen Fleur a Dutch female from Terneuzen, Holland, this city lies downstream from Antwerp harbor. Her grandparents, in their 90's were foremost resistance leaders. She grew up listening to all their cat and mouse adventures with the German Gestapo as they worked to free their people. Her father works in the governments' intelligence agency for the past 20 years, and her mother works for an import/export marketing firm. She was born in 1997 is 5 foot 6 inches tall; of course, long blonde hair she has never cut, only trimmed. She has a Nic name because of it; her dad calls her Punzel.

Gretchen was in her room one day; the ceiling fan/light just stopped working, no one was home. She went to the circuit breaker her father told her about, but nothing was wrong. Getting a short ladder, she got up to see the problem, shook the fan base, and suddenly a flash of electricity causing the sudden loss of light in her room. Knowing it must have been some sort of short, got out her dad's toolbox and repaired it using electrical tape and a screwdriver. She went to the circuit breaker, and the light switched back on, she never mentioned the event to anyone, but her curiosity about such things began to grow.

Later that year, Advanced Lighting Technologies innovator manufacturer built a factory nearby, she applied. ALT. Inc hired Gretchen the following week; this started her off with an advanced understanding of technology.

One spring day, her father came home early from work all charged up, he did not say why he was so excited saying, "Gretchen get some sweats and a loose shirt and follow me."

She replied, "No, Dad, I've got homework."

He said, "Elise Punzel!"

Oh, My God, he used my middle, and Nic name this is serious, grudgingly she got up dressed and followed him.

A year later, she received a black belt in Taekwondo. To this day does not know why he was so concerned.

Gretchen having a creative aptitude for engineering, received a government-sponsored scholarship at a college of her choosing. She chose the California Institute of technology in 2014.

Back story Matthew McCann

Matthew McCann was born in a winery owned by his mother in New Zealand; his father passed away in a boating accident when he was five years old. He was a tough little boy trying to prove himself as the man of the family. Matt played rugby in high school, built a canoe, and then a sailing boat. New Zealand did not have much of an army, so he ended up moving to Australia, joining their special forces team at a very early age, 16.

At 18 Matthew returned home to the winery; his mother needed help due to its sales and reputation increasing. By this point in his life, he was an expert in wine tasting and management of the business.

One summer day, his best friend and high school classmate Jim Williamson wondered how long it would take to sail around the Island; after doing a quick net search, he did not find much information on the subject.

Matthew asked his mother about doing it.

Holly, Matthew's mother, was a gracious woman who loved his father dearly, raised her son on her own after his untimely demise, could not picture herself with another man, thus remained unmarried.

Holly had a meltdown saying to her son, "Oh my God Matthew, sweety, you know your father, then stopped crying under her breath."

"Mom. "Matthew said, "I have been in special forces; they already have trained us in deep-sea maneuvers and dangerous situations, we have to move on with our life, facing our fears. If I do this, it will free us both of what happened to dad, trust me?"

Off Matthew and Jimmy started on their quest to circle his New Zealand Islands. He was an avid ham radio operator, thus leaving a receiver with his mom. Using the sailboat he loved, they launched out. All went well until they traveled 1/3 of the journey. Friend Jimmy had brought his sonar equipment with them when he detected a mass of something headed towards the ship. As this mass grew closer, they saw it was sharks. An enormous whale shark hit the boat, almost capsizing it, however, it did damage the engine; they were dead in the water and a school of sharks.

Matthew ham radioed his mother, who was busy in the basement doing laundry; she did not hear the call.

Matthew being in special forces, knew vital things to do.

1. Don't panic around a Shark

2. Try to maintain eye contact with a shark; it shows them you're a protector as they are; thus, you get some semblance of respect. Like Dogs, they respect assertiveness.

3. If a shark attacks, fight back.

4. If you have a weapon, use it, eyes, gills, or underside, not the top; it's too thick.

5 Of course, no-brainer call for help anyway you can.

While discussing this with Jim, his mother called, "Oh my God, Matthew, are you okay?"

Replying, "Yes, but the boat got hit by a school of Sharks."

Holly said, "Describe them, what do they look like, I know a little bit about the sea creatures, studying them as a project when I was in high school."

Jimmy jumps in taking the radio mic. Mrs. McCann, he stated excitedly, "They are between 15 to 18 meters long, the head is wide and flat with two small eyes at the front corners. The spiracles are located just behind the eyes. I see five large pairs of gills; their skin is dark grey with a white belly marked with pale grey or white spots and stripes."

"Oh, thank God," Holly said with a sigh of relief. "They are Whale Sharks, mouth eaters, very docile.' 'Be calm, don't do anything, I'll call and get some help."

"Mayday, Mayday this is Zw0903, boat stranded." "Mayday, Mayday boat stranded."

Another Ham Operator answered the SOS.

"This is Ps762 answering your SOS what seems to be the problem?"

Holly answered, "This is Zw0903 my son is caught up in a school of mother sharks tending their young, I believe their Whale Sharks describing them, then giving their longitude/latitude location"

"Understood," he replied, "I am not that far away I'll tow them to shore, no problem." "Oh, by the way I am Billy Waverly and you?"

"Holly McCann," She replied, "And thank you, Zw0903 out."

Billy got there an hour later towing them to the nearest boat port.

After Matthew's sailboat was repaired three days later, they continued finishing the trip. He got home walking up to his mom, saying, "See I told you I would be Okay."

Holly hugged her son tightly but did not say a word. A minute later he tried to disengage but she held on, He said, "Okay Mom I'll never do that again, I promise." She let go, still not saying a word.

Over the next year, Billy Waverly and his mother began a relationship as friends. He knew eventually it would become more but his mom needed time.

Matthew kissed his mom saying he was moving permanently to Australia, was it okay? Holly did not like it but knew her son had to live his own life.

Matthew spent a year in China on a military joint venture learning the culture and language between the Australian and Chinese governments.

Out of the military by the time he turned 20. He applied to Cal tech for a change in his life, soon after joined the TfSs team.

Back Story Roger Jones

Roger Jones's father was a fighter pilot during the gulf war and presently flies commercial airplanes for Southwest. Roger was raised in Chesterfield, a suburb of St, Louis Missouri. Knowing a defense company board member, his father was instrumental in getting his son a job there. He was allowed to work on multiple secret government projects, Roger's father was a brilliant man; however, according to an IQ test he made all his children take, Roger had twice his father's intelligence.

Chesterfield was a quiet suburb of St Louis, Missouri. Roger's mother was a homemaker as her husband preferred for her not to work. Roger had two younger sisters Mina and Brookland. Roger was five years older than Mina and 7 years older than Brookland they call Brook.

His father being in the military most of his life taught him to be disciplined at a very early age, you would think he would resent such a stringent structure, but he believed his father's every word. Roger's father took him to basic training sites many times, as the recruits performed training exercises. At the age of 12, Roger was as skilled as a graduating private 1st class.

One year Roger was chosen to participate in a high school exchange between a city school and one in the suburbs. He befriended a Native American named Running Creek, his native name, but Henry for school reasons to be excepted. Roger loved to hear stories of his native tribe, while Running Creek was amazed by Rogers' life, he often said Roger reminded him of the warrior class of his people.

One summer day while he and running creek were hanging out, he received a call from Mina, she said, "Roger help!" then the cell phone went dead.

Running Creek asked, "Where would she be at this time of the day?"

Roger replied," Her school just let out, she would be on her way to her sisters."

Off they went running, up in the air Running Creek noticed a shuffling of robins off in the distance he said to Roger, "I have a hunch follow me."

Roger said, "But her school is just in front not far away?"

But he followed his new friend and knowing Native peoples have a niche about such things.

As they turned the corner of 5th street above an old beaten-up maroon van, a nest of robins was fluttered as there was a commotion around its tree.

Roger and Henry ran as fast as they could towards the vehicle.

Just then an old chubby white man saw them and jumped in the driver's side placed the van in gear and dashed off down the street. Mina was okay the man had grabbed her phone but not her, she was okay.

Running Creek got the van's plate number while roger consoled, Mina.

Several kids had come up missing the past few months, so the van description and Identification were vital in the police finding this guy and putting him behind bars.

Roger and Running Creek became very good friends spent the next few years finally graduating high school in the year 2014. Roger had received a scholarship to attend the college of his choice, he chose CIT.

Running Creek went back to the reservation to help out his mom and dad in a business adventure they began.

Back Story Alisha N Knight

Alisha Knight grew up Just outside Victoria City of New South Wales, Australia. She loved the outback; She spent much of her life there as her parents had a Winnebago camper, they practically lived in most of the time. They were owner-operators of a flower shop; it was so successful they ended up franchising it. Alisha Being around flowers and plants all her life, horticulture was her dream of doing. From the age of twelve, her father sent her off to train in several martial arts defense courses due to the outback dangers as she grew up.

Alisha received an A-plus scholarship to attend CIT in the fall of 2014, enrolling in three courses with Odessa and Gretchen the three of them becoming fast friends. One weekend the three spent the night at Odessa's house.

Odessa and Gretchen asked Alisha to tell them a story about Australia.

Alisha thought about it then said, "Like what?"

They said, "Come on something about the Australian outback where you come from."

"Okay," Alisha with a devious look said, "One day I took the glider I just got for my birthday to the Miners' Pathway, it's a trail in the outback. From there I hiked five miles, off in the distance I saw a male Tasmanian Devil."

Just then Gretchen busted in asking, "How did you know it was a male?"r"


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